Luis Martínez Santa-María

The drawing skips the problems to draw how to choose the best slope in the field on which to build; how to progress from a straight to a sloping wall; how to undo the symmetry at the top when there is no more space in the pediment; how to divide a round window, and to what extent the resulting divisions and their constant repetition are important; how to position and what size to make a vertical chimney on a sloping roof, and how the volume of the smoke forms an insubstantial figure so as not to go off the page. And the drawing draws, sets out and dreams, without yet aspiring to a definitive solution, the way in which man can live together with his own image, with the earth, with the sky, and with others.
How to live together? In the case of the house, notice to what extent architecture turns this question into an exclamation.

Intersecciones. Editorial Rueda. Madrid. 2005